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GENERALI VeloCity Berlin courses

We ride Berlin

60K and 100K through the city

While your legs are being challenged, your eyes are being spoiled by the beautiful sights. GENERALI VeloCity Berlin is not only a cycling event, but also a city tour across Berlin, and a wonderful trip to Brandenburg:

Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate - on the course, participants experience the beauty of the capital.

60 KM GPX >>        100 KM GPX >>        PDF course map>>

The interactive map provides a lot of detailed information, e.g. on danger spots or closure times of individual sections of the route. These areas can be shown and hidden via the legend.

Danger points

Please note that there are dangerous spots on the course. Those will be indicated by signs in advance and secured accordingly. Please pay attention to these signs and do not blindly follow the group. If you are not used to riding in large groups, try to find a smaller group. Adjust your speed according to your ability and the situation and think about the people around you. Safety always comes first.

If you are caught up by the leading group of a following race peloton, which is always preceded by a lead vehicle, please continue to ride slowly on the right-hand side of the road until the group has overtaken you. Beware that other faster groups will follow.

Pay special attention at the following spots:

  • Teltower Straße, coming from Spandauer Damm - sharp left turn
  • Havelchaussee: Departure from Willi (Karlsberg, Grunewaldturm) - steep descent with right turn
  • Havelchaussee: Entrance Kronprinzessinnenweg - sharp left turn
  • Roadworks on Kronprinzessinnenweg - only part of the lane can be ridden on
  • Field separation Thielallee - sharp left turn
  • Thielallee / Königin-Luise-Straße - sharp right turn
  • Katzbachstraße / Yorckstraße - steep descent, sharp right turn and subsequent sharp left turn
  • Möckernstraße/Stresemannstraße/Anhalter Str./Wilhelmstr./Kochstr. section - first sharp left bend & narrow section and then further alternating bends
  • Lichtenberger Straße (parking lane/bike lane) - small dividing bumps & bollards
  • Alexanderplatz to Friedrichstraße - various tram-track crossings
  • Entrance Alt-Moabit - bottleneck (4,75m)
  • Lüneburger Straße cobblestones

additionally for the 100K course:

  • Field separation Thielallee - sharp right turn
  • NEW: Finckensteinallee several roadworks
  • various traffic circles
  • Großbeeren: Cargo centre - narrowing to 2 lanes, parallel traffic
  • Märkische Allee - left turn onto B101
  • Marienfelde: construction on bridge Marienfelder Allee / Daimlerstraße - bottleneck

You can find an overview of these dangerous spots in the interactive map, which we update regularly.


There are refreshment points along the course where you can stop and replenish your supplies with water, Dextro Energy ISO drink and fruit. This offer is also available before the start (limited) and directly after the finish. 

Start area

Before the start water and fruit will be available. 

On the course
  • 60K course: refreshment point after approximately 30K with water (refill your bottles or cups),  ISO drink by Dextro Energy and gel or power bar by Dextro Energy
  • 100K course: refreshment point after approximately 60K with water (refill your bottles or cups), ISO drink by Dextro Energy and gel or power bar by Dextro Energy
Finish area

Look forward to the following after your race: water, ISO drink by Dextro Energy, liquid gel or bar by Dextro Energy, fruit and ERDINGER non-alcoholic beer.


* subject to change